Gutenmorg with his cromagnon charter, tintingfats and great prime must once for omniboss stepp rubrickredd out of the wordpress’ (20.5). The ‘mutthering pot’ is an allusion to Alchemy, but there is some other significance connected with writing, for the next time the word appears it is again in a context concerning improvement in systems of communication. The passage is: ‘All the airish signics of her dipandump helpabit from an Father Hogam till the Mutther Masons, . . .’ (223.3) ‘Dipandump helpabit’ combine the deaf and dumb alphabet’s signs in the air—or airish signs—with the ups and downs of the ordinary ABC and the more pronounced ups and downs of Irish Ogham writing. The Mason, following this, must be the man of that name who invented steel pen nibs. But all I can suggest for ‘mutther’ is the muttering of Freemasons which does not fit the context, although